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today we are going to cover a topic we all have seen when we do php programming the error i am talking about is this one:

session start cannot send session cache limiter headers already sent

basically, to fix this, you need to check your script and be sure you dont have any white spaces or any text you have sent to the browser befure you used the session_start() function.

TIP: to avoid this error, its best to put the session_start() on the first line of your file

one typical error we get is when you are using ecommerce cart you might get:
oscommerce cannot send session cache limiter headers already sent

have alos seen it on some joombla website, some joomla users have reported this to us: joomla cannot send session cookie headers already sent

another similar error might be related to this topic is: cannot send session cache limiter headers already sent output started

session start function session start cannot send session cache limiter headers already sent

warning session start cannot send session cache limiter headers already sent

if you have any questions, please let us know