are you experiencing problems with your php script? are you getting this error:

fatal error allowed memory size of bytes exhausted tried to allocate bytes

if so we might be able to help.

Hi, welcome to Webune Web Hosting. We provide solutions to all your web hosting needs.

to fix this problem, enter the following line at the beginning of your script:


NOTE: depending on your configuration, you might have to increase the memory to higher number than 20M. the default is 8M, to try 64M it 20M doest do anything for you..

related errors that might solve with this solution:
php fatal error allowed memory size bytes exhausted tried allocate bytes
fatal error allowed memory size of 16777216 bytes exhausted tried to allocate
fatal error allowed memory size of 8388608 bytes exhausted tried to allocate
drupal fatal error allowed memory size bytes exhausted tried allocate bytes