Add Login Page to Laravel Commands.

The purpose of this page is to demonstrate the command to use to add authentication scaffolding to your Laravel Project.

This page will help you to create a general authentication for your user to be able to login with username and password with their email.

Step 1. Add the required User Interface files:

$ composer require laravel/ui

For step 2, you can use these options:

Option 1: Using this command below, will not install any style to the login pages.

$ php artisan ui:auth

If you want styling, use the commands below:

Option 2 Or Bootstrap Files: Generate the necessary routes, controllers, views and blade files command:

$ php artisan ui bootstrap --auth

Option 3 Or VueJS: Generate auth routes and VueJs templates

$ php artisan ui vue --auth

Option 4 Or ReactJS: Generate auth routes and ReactJs templates

$php artisan ui react --auth

Step 3: After you have installed the required libraries, install with npm

npm install && npm run dev
