Laravel Sail App After Cloning From Github

Follow these steps for a Laravel repository with Sail after cloning from Github. This is an example

Laravel Sail App After Cloning From Github

Follow these steps for a Laravel repository with Sail after cloning from Github. This is an example

1. Clone your repository, example:
$ git clone
2. Change directory into the newly created app/project.
$ cd laravel-backend-api
3. Install all required dependencies
$ docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/opt -w /opt laravelsail/php80-composer:latest composer install
NOTE: This may take a while if this is the first time installing this as a container.
4. Set the proper permissions to the project files.
$ sudo chown -R $USER: .
5. Run the servers with Sail
$ vendor/bin/sail up -d
6. Create a database to be used by this project 
# mysql --password=  --execute='create database laravel_backend_api'
# exit
7. Start the container terminal
$ vendor/bin/sail bash
8. Copy .env File
$ cp .env.example .env
9. Open .env to match the following line:
TO: DB_HOST=mysql
10. Generate APP_KEY Key.
$ php artisan key:generate
11. Build the seed.
$ php artisan migrate:fresh --seed
12. Install passport as required if necessary
$ php artisan passport:install --force

13. You can now open your application with your browser: http://localhost