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Webune Offers Dedicated Hosting with PHP and SOAP already installed. if you are looking for web hosting with SOAP already installed, please visit our main page to open an account with us.

if you are not a Webune customer yet, you might get this error on your PHP scripts:

Warning: main(nusoap.php) [function.main]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/www/testscripts/SOAP/testsoap.php on line 7

Fatal error: main() [function.require]: Failed opening required 'nusoap.php' (include_path='.;/var/www/testscripts/SOAP/testsoap.php on line 7

so how to do you fix this.

If you analyze what the error is saying, its basically meaning that it cannot find the file called nusoap.php in your include path. also, the error gives you the line number where the error was found, in our case, it says line 7 so we look at line 7, it says:


PHP will automatically look in your includes path, if the file is not found in your directory.

to fix this error, you will have to install nusoap.php class in your scripts. if you are the administrator of the server, then i recommend you install it in the PHP includes path, otherwise, you can install it in your web directory.

since most users do not have a dedicated Linux server, we are just going to add the nusoap.php file to be included, so follow the steps in the next page: