Instructions: To find a property, hit control + F in your browser

This is very simple cheat sheet for IONIC I use often as a reference of all the components availble as of June 24, 2020


--backdrop-opacityOpacity of the backdrop
--backgroundBackground of the action sheet group
--button-backgroundBackground of the action sheet button
--button-background-activatedBackground of the action sheet button when pressed. Note: setting this will interfere with the Material Design ripple.
--button-background-activated-opacityOpacity of the action sheet button background when pressed
--button-background-focusedBackground of the action sheet button when tabbed to
--button-background-focused-opacityOpacity of the action sheet button background when tabbed to
--button-background-hoverBackground of the action sheet button on hover
--button-background-hover-opacityOpacity of the action sheet button background on hover
--button-background-selectedBackground of the selected action sheet button
--button-background-selected-opacityOpacity of the selected action sheet button background
--button-colorColor of the action sheet button
--button-color-activatedColor of the action sheet button when pressed
--button-color-focusedColor of the action sheet button when tabbed to
--button-color-hoverColor of the action sheet button on hover
--button-color-selectedColor of the selected action sheet button
--colorColor of the action sheet text
--heightheight of the action sheet
--max-heightMaximum height of the action sheet
--max-widthMaximum width of the action sheet
--min-heightMinimum height of the action sheet
--min-widthMinimum width of the action sheet
--widthWidth of the action sheet


--backdrop-opacityOpacity of the backdrop
--backgroundBackground of the alert
--heightHeight of the alert
--max-heightMaximum height of the alert
--max-widthMaximum width of the alert
--min-heightMinimum height of the alert
--min-widthMinimum width of the alert
--widthWidth of the alert


--border-radiusBorder radius of the avatar and inner image


--backgroundBackground of the button
--background-focusedBackground of the button when focused with the tab key
--background-focused-opacityOpacity of the button background when focused with the tab key
--background-hoverBackground of the button on hover
--background-hover-opacityOpacity of the background on hover
--border-radiusBorder radius of the button
--colorText color of the button
--color-focusedText color of the button when focused with the tab key
--color-hoverText color of the button on hover
--icon-font-sizeFont size of the button icon
--icon-font-weightFont weight of the button icon
--icon-margin-bottomBottom margin of the button icon
--icon-margin-endRight margin if direction is left-to-right, and left margin if direction is right-to-left of the button icon
--icon-margin-startLeft margin if direction is left-to-right, and right margin if direction is right-to-left of the button icon
--icon-margin-topTop margin of the button icon
--icon-padding-bottomBottom padding of the button icon
--icon-padding-endRight padding if direction is left-to-right, and left padding if direction is right-to-left of the button icon
--icon-padding-startLeft padding if direction is left-to-right, and right padding if direction is right-to-left of the button icon
--icon-padding-topTop padding of the button icon
--margin-bottomBottom margin of the button
--margin-endRight margin if direction is left-to-right, and left margin if direction is right-to-left of the button
--margin-startLeft margin if direction is left-to-right, and right margin if direction is right-to-left of the button
--margin-topTop margin of the button
--min-heightMinimum height of the button
--min-widthMinimum width of the button
--opacityOpacity of the button
--padding-bottomBottom padding of the button
--padding-endRight padding if direction is left-to-right, and left padding if direction is right-to-left of the button
--padding-startLeft padding if direction is left-to-right, and right padding if direction is right-to-left of the button
--padding-topTop padding of the button
--ripple-colorColor of the button ripple effect
--transitionTransition of the button


--backgroundBackground of the badge
--colorText color of the badge
--padding-bottomBottom padding of the badge
--padding-endRight padding if direction is left-to-right, and left padding if direction is right-to-left of the badge
--padding-startLeft padding if direction is left-to-right, and right padding if direction is right-to-left of the badge
--padding-topTop padding of the badge


--backgroundBackground of the button
--background-activatedBackground of the button when pressed. Note: setting this will interfere with the Material Design ripple.
--background-activated-opacityOpacity of the button when pressed
--background-focusedBackground of the button when focused with the tab key
--background-focused-opacityOpacity of the button when focused with the tab key
--background-hoverBackground of the button on hover
--background-hover-opacityOpacity of the background on hover
--border-colorBorder color of the button
--border-radiusBorder radius of the button
--border-styleBorder style of the button
--border-widthBorder width of the button
--box-shadowBox shadow of the button
--colorText color of the button
--color-activatedText color of the button when pressed
--color-focusedText color of the button when focused with the tab key
--color-hoverText color of the button when hover
--opacityOpacity of the button
--padding-bottomBottom padding of the button
--padding-endRight padding if direction is left-to-right, and left padding if direction is right-to-left of the button
--padding-startLeft padding if direction is left-to-right, and right padding if direction is right-to-left of the button
--padding-topTop padding of the button
--ripple-colorColor of the button ripple effect
--transitionTransition of the button


--backgroundBackground of the card
--colorColor of the card


--colorColor of the card subtitle


--colorColor of the card title


--backgroundBackground of the checkbox icon
--background-checkedBackground of the checkbox icon when checked
--border-colorBorder color of the checkbox icon
--border-color-checkedBorder color of the checkbox icon when checked
--border-radiusBorder radius of the checkbox icon
--border-styleBorder style of the checkbox icon
--border-widthBorder width of the checkbox icon
--checkmark-colorColor of the checkbox checkmark when checked
--checkmark-widthStroke width of the checkbox checkmark
--sizeSize of the checkbox icon
--transitionTransition of the checkbox icon


--backgroundBackground of the chip
--colorColor of the chip


--ion-grid-column-paddingPadding for the Column
--ion-grid-column-padding-lgPadding for the Column on lg screens and up
--ion-grid-column-padding-mdPadding for the Column on md screens and up
--ion-grid-column-padding-smPadding for the Column on sm screens and up
--ion-grid-column-padding-xlPadding for the Column on xl screens and up
--ion-grid-column-padding-xsPadding for the Column on xs screens and up
--ion-grid-columnsThe number of total Columns in the Grid


--backgroundBackground of the content
--colorColor of the content
--keyboard-offsetKeyboard offset of the content
--offset-bottomOffset bottom of the content
--offset-topOffset top of the content
--padding-bottomBottom padding of the content
--padding-endRight padding if direction is left-to-right, and left padding if direction is right-to-left of the content
--padding-startLeft padding if direction is left-to-right, and right padding if direction is right-to-left of the content
--padding-topTop padding of the content


--padding-bottomBottom padding of the datetime
--padding-endRight padding if direction is left-to-right, and left padding if direction is right-to-left of the datetime
--padding-startLeft padding if direction is left-to-right, and right padding if direction is right-to-left of the datetime
--padding-topTop padding of the datetime
--placeholder-colorColor of the datetime placeholder


--backgroundBackground of the button
--background-activatedBackground of the button when pressed. Note: setting this will interfere with the Material Design ripple.
--background-activated-opacityOpacity of the button background when pressed
--background-focusedBackground of the button when focused with the tab key
--background-focused-opacityOpacity of the button background when focused with the tab key
--background-hoverBackground of the button on hover
--background-hover-opacityOpacity of the button background on hover
--border-colorBorder color of the button
--border-radiusBorder radius of the button
--border-styleBorder style of the button
--border-widthBorder width of the button
--box-shadowBox shadow of the button
--close-icon-font-sizeFont size of the close icon
--colorText color of the button
--color-activatedText color of the button when pressed
--color-focusedText color of the button when focused with the tab key
--color-hoverText color of the button on hover
--padding-bottomBottom padding of the button
--padding-endRight padding if direction is left-to-right, and left padding if direction is right-to-left of the button
--padding-startLeft padding if direction is left-to-right, and right padding if direction is right-to-left of the button
--padding-topTop padding of the button
--ripple-colorColor of the button ripple effect
--transitionTransition of the button


--ion-grid-paddingPadding for the Grid
--ion-grid-padding-lgPadding for the Grid on lg screens
--ion-grid-padding-mdPadding for the Grid on md screens
--ion-grid-padding-smPadding for the Grid on sm screens
--ion-grid-padding-xlPadding for the Grid on xl screens
--ion-grid-padding-xsPadding for the Grid on xs screens
--ion-grid-widthWidth of the fixed Grid
--ion-grid-width-lgWidth of the fixed Grid on lg screens
--ion-grid-width-mdWidth of the fixed Grid on md screens
--ion-grid-width-smWidth of the fixed Grid on sm screens
--ion-grid-width-xlWidth of the fixed Grid on xl screens
--ion-grid-width-xsWidth of the fixed Grid on xs screens


--backgroundBackground of the input
--colorColor of the input text
--padding-bottomBottom padding of the input
--padding-endRight padding if direction is left-to-right, and left padding if direction is right-to-left of the input
--padding-startLeft padding if direction is left-to-right, and right padding if direction is right-to-left of the input
--padding-topTop padding of the input
--placeholder-colorColor of the input placeholder text
--placeholder-font-styleFont style of the input placeholder text
--placeholder-font-weightFont weight of the input placeholder text
--placeholder-opacityOpacity of the input placeholder text


--backgroundBackground of the item
--background-activatedBackground of the item when pressed. Note: setting this will interfere with the Material Design ripple.
--background-activated-opacityOpacity of the item background when pressed
--background-focusedBackground of the item when focused with the tab key
--background-focused-opacityOpacity of the item background when focused with the tab key
--background-hoverBackground of the item on hover
--background-hover-opacityOpacity of the background of the item on hover
--border-colorColor of the item border
--border-radiusRadius of the item border
--border-styleStyle of the item border
--border-widthWidth of the item border
--colorColor of the item
--color-activatedColor of the item when pressed
--color-focusedColor of the item when focused with the tab key
--color-hoverColor of the item on hover
--detail-icon-colorColor of the item detail icon
--detail-icon-font-sizeFont size of the item detail icon
--detail-icon-opacityOpacity of the item detail icon
--highlight-color-focusedThe color of the highlight on the item when focused
--highlight-color-invalidThe color of the highlight on the item when invalid
--highlight-color-validThe color of the highlight on the item when valid
--highlight-heightThe height of the highlight on the item
--inner-border-widthWidth of the item inner border
--inner-box-shadowBox shadow of the item inner
--inner-padding-bottomBottom padding of the item inner
--inner-padding-endRight padding if direction is left-to-right, and left padding if direction is right-to-left of the item inner
--inner-padding-startLeft padding if direction is left-to-right, and right padding if direction is right-to-left of the item inner
--inner-padding-topTop padding of the item inner
--min-heightMinimum height of the item
--padding-bottomBottom padding of the item
--padding-endRight padding if direction is left-to-right, and left padding if direction is right-to-left of the item
--padding-startLeft padding if direction is left-to-right, and right padding if direction is right-to-left of the item
--padding-topTop padding of the item
--ripple-colorColor of the item ripple effect
--transitionTransition of the item


--backgroundBackground of the item divider
--colorColor of the item divider
--inner-padding-bottomBottom inner padding of the item divider
--inner-padding-endEnd inner padding of the item divider
--inner-padding-startStart inner padding of the item divider
--inner-padding-topTop inner padding of the item divider
--padding-bottomBottom padding of the item divider
--padding-endRight padding if direction is left-to-right, and left padding if direction is right-to-left of the item divider
--padding-startLeft padding if direction is left-to-right, and right padding if direction is right-to-left of the item divider
--padding-topTop padding of the item divider


--backgroundBackground of the item option
--colorColor of the item option


--colorColor of the label


--backgroundBackground of the list header
--border-colorColor of the list header border
--border-styleStyle of the list header border
--border-widthWidth of the list header border
--colorColor of the list header text
--inner-border-widthWidth of the inner list header border


--backdrop-opacityOpacity of the backdrop
--backgroundBackground of the loading dialog
--heightHeight of the loading dialog
--max-heightMaximum height of the loading dialog
--max-widthMaximum width of the loading dialog
--min-heightMinimum height of the loading dialog
--min-widthMinimum width of the loading dialog
--spinner-colorColor of the loading spinner
--widthWidth of the loading dialog


--backgroundBackground of the menu
--heightHeight of the menu
--max-heightMaximum height of the menu
--max-widthMaximum width of the menu
--min-heightMinimum height of the menu
--min-widthMinimum width of the menu
--widthWidth of the menu


--backgroundBackground of the menu button
--background-focusedBackground of the menu button when focused with the tab key
--background-focused-opacityOpacity of the menu button background when focused with the tab key
--background-hoverBackground of the menu button on hover
--background-hover-opacityOpacity of the background on hover
--border-radiusBorder radius of the menu button
--colorColor of the menu button
--color-focusedColor of the menu button when focused with the tab key
--color-hoverColor of the menu button on hover
--padding-bottomBottom padding of the button
--padding-endRight padding if direction is left-to-right, and left padding if direction is right-to-left of the button
--padding-startLeft padding if direction is left-to-right, and right padding if direction is right-to-left of the button
--padding-topTop padding of the button


--backdrop-opacityOpacity of the backdrop
--backgroundBackground of the modal content
--border-colorBorder color of the modal content
--border-radiusBorder radius of the modal content
--border-styleBorder style of the modal content
--border-widthBorder width of the modal content
--heightHeight of the modal
--max-heightMaximum height of the modal
--max-widthMaximum width of the modal
--min-heightMinimum height of the modal
--min-widthMinimum width of the modal
--widthWidth of the modal


--colorColor of the note


--backdrop-opacityOpacity of the backdrop
--backgroundBackground of the picker
--background-rgbBackground of the picker in rgb format
--border-colorBorder color of the picker
--border-radiusBorder radius of the picker
--border-styleBorder style of the picker
--border-widthBorder width of the picker
--heightHeight of the picker
--max-heightMaximum height of the picker
--max-widthMaximum width of the picker
--min-heightMinimum height of the picker
--min-widthMinimum width of the picker
--widthWidth of the picker


--backdrop-opacityOpacity of the backdrop
--backgroundBackground of the popover
--box-shadowBox shadow of the popover
--heightHeight of the popover
--max-heightMaximum height of the popover
--max-widthMaximum width of the popover
--min-heightMinimum height of the popover
--min-widthMinimum width of the popover
--widthWidth of the popover


--backgroundSame as --buffer-background when using a determinate progress bar, otherwise it styles the background of the ion-progress-bar itself.
--buffer-backgroundColor of the buffer bar
--progress-backgroundColor of the progress bar


--border-radiusBorder radius of the radio
--colorColor of the radio
--color-checkedColor of the checked radio
--inner-border-radiusBorder radius of the inner checked radio


--bar-backgroundBackground of the range bar
--bar-background-activeBackground of the active range bar
--bar-border-radiusBorder radius of the range bar
--bar-heightHeight of the range bar
--heightHeight of the range
--knob-backgroundBackground of the range knob
--knob-border-radiusBorder radius of the range knob
--knob-box-shadowBox shadow of the range knob
--knob-sizeSize of the range knob
--pin-backgroundBackground of the range pin
--pin-colorColor of the range pin


--backgroundBackground of the router link
--colorText color of the router link


--backgroundBackground of the searchbar input
--border-radiusBorder radius of the searchbar input
--box-shadowBox shadow of the searchbar input
--cancel-button-colorColor of the searchbar cancel button
--clear-button-colorColor of the searchbar clear button
--colorColor of the searchbar text
--icon-colorColor of the searchbar icon
--placeholder-colorColor of the searchbar placeholder
--placeholder-font-styleFont style of the searchbar placeholder
--placeholder-font-weightFont weight of the searchbar placeholder
--placeholder-opacityOpacity of the searchbar placeholder


--backgroundBackground of the segment button


--backgroundBackground of the segment button
--background-checkedBackground of the checked segment button
--background-focusedBackground of the segment button when focused with the tab key
--background-focused-opacityOpacity of the segment button background when focused with the tab key
--background-hoverBackground of the segment button on hover
--background-hover-opacityOpacity of the segment button background on hover
--border-colorColor of the segment button border
--border-radiusRadius of the segment button border
--border-styleStyle of the segment button border
--border-widthWidth of the segment button border
--colorColor of the segment button
--color-checkedColor of the checked segment button
--color-focusedColor of the segment button when focused with the tab key
--color-hoverColor of the segment button on hover
--indicator-box-shadowBox shadow on the indicator for the checked segment button
--indicator-colorColor of the indicator for the checked segment button
--indicator-heightHeight of the indicator for the checked segment button
--indicator-transformTransform of the indicator for the checked segment button
--indicator-transitionTransition of the indicator for the checked segment button
--margin-bottomBottom margin of the segment button
--margin-endRight margin if direction is left-to-right, and left margin if direction is right-to-left of the segment button
--margin-startLeft margin if direction is left-to-right, and right margin if direction is right-to-left of the segment button
--margin-topTop margin of the segment button
--padding-bottomBottom padding of the segment button
--padding-endRight padding if direction is left-to-right, and left padding if direction is right-to-left of the segment button
--padding-startLeft padding if direction is left-to-right, and right padding if direction is right-to-left of the segment button
--padding-topTop padding of the segment button
--transitionTransition of the segment button


--padding-bottomBottom padding of the select
--padding-endRight padding if direction is left-to-right, and left padding if direction is right-to-left of the select
--padding-startLeft padding if direction is left-to-right, and right padding if direction is right-to-left of the select
--padding-topTop padding of the select
--placeholder-colorColor of the select placeholder text
--placeholder-opacityOpacity of the select placeholder text


--backgroundBackground of the skeleton text
--background-rgbBackground of the skeleton text in rgb format
--border-radiusBorder radius of the skeleton text


--bullet-backgroundBackground of the pagination bullets
--bullet-background-activeBackground of the active pagination bullet
--progress-bar-backgroundBackground of the pagination progress-bar
--progress-bar-background-activeBackground of the active pagination progress-bar
--scroll-bar-backgroundBackground of the pagination scroll-bar
--scroll-bar-background-activeBackground of the active pagination scroll-bar


--colorColor of the spinner


--borderBorder between panes
--side-max-widthMaximum width of the side pane. Does not apply when split pane is collapsed.
--side-min-widthMinimum width of the side pane. Does not apply when split pane is collapsed.
--side-widthWidth of the side pane. Does not apply when split pane is collapsed.


--backgroundBackground of the tab bar
--borderBorder of the tab bar
--colorColor of the tab bar


--backgroundBackground of the tab button
--background-focusedBackground of the tab button when focused with the tab key
--background-focused-opacityOpacity of the tab button background when focused with the tab key
--colorColor of the tab button
--color-focusedColor of the tab button when focused with the tab key
--color-selectedColor of the selected tab button
--padding-bottomBottom padding of the tab button
--padding-endRight padding if direction is left-to-right, and left padding if direction is right-to-left of the tab button
--padding-startLeft padding if direction is left-to-right, and right padding if direction is right-to-left of the tab button
--padding-topTop padding of the tab button
--ripple-colorColor of the button ripple effect


--backgroundBackground of the textarea
--border-radiusBorder radius of the textarea
--colorColor of the text
--padding-bottomBottom padding of the textarea
--padding-endRight padding if direction is left-to-right, and left padding if direction is right-to-left of the textarea
--padding-startLeft padding if direction is left-to-right, and right padding if direction is right-to-left of the textarea
--padding-topTop padding of the textarea
--placeholder-colorColor of the placeholder text
--placeholder-font-styleStyle of the placeholder text
--placeholder-font-weightWeight of the placeholder text
--placeholder-opacityOpacity of the placeholder text


--border-radiusBorder radius of the thumbnail
--sizeSize of the thumbnail


--colorText color of the title


--backgroundBackground of the toast
--border-colorBorder color of the toast
--border-radiusBorder radius of the toast
--border-styleBorder style of the toast
--border-widthBorder width of the toast
--box-shadowBox shadow of the toast
--button-colorColor of the button text
--colorColor of the toast text
--endPosition from the right if direction is left-to-right, and from the left if direction is right-to-left
--heightHeight of the toast
--max-heightMaximum height of the toast
--max-widthMaximum width of the toast
--min-heightMinimum height of the toast
--min-widthMinimum width of the toast
--startPosition from the left if direction is left-to-right, and from the right if direction is right-to-left
--white-spaceWhite space of the toast message
--widthWidth of the toast


--backgroundBackground of the toggle
--background-checkedBackground of the toggle when checked
--border-radiusBorder radius of the toggle track
--handle-backgroundBackground of the toggle handle
--handle-background-checkedBackground of the toggle handle when checked
--handle-border-radiusBorder radius of the toggle handle
--handle-box-shadowBox shadow of the toggle handle
--handle-heightHeight of the toggle handle
--handle-max-heightMaximum height of the toggle handle
--handle-spacingHorizontal spacing around the toggle handle
--handle-transitionTransition of the toggle handle
--handle-widthWidth of the toggle handle


--backgroundBackground of the toolbar
--border-colorColor of the toolbar border
--border-styleStyle of the toolbar border
--border-widthWidth of the toolbar border
--colorColor of the toolbar text
--min-heightMinimum height of the toolbar
--opacityOpacity of the toolbar background
--padding-bottomBottom padding of the toolbar
--padding-endRight padding if direction is left-to-right, and left padding if direction is right-to-left of the toolbar
--padding-startLeft padding if direction is left-to-right, and right padding if direction is right-to-left of the toolbar
--padding-topTop padding of the toolbar