feature1 Branch
commit1 commit2
Master Branch /--------------|------------|----
  commit1        commit2 \---------------|------------|----
commit1 commit2
feature2 Branch



You can have as many branches in your repository if you want,

HEAD  branch

(examlple: MASTER) = ACTIVE or CURRENT Checked out = Is the currently active or the checked out branch

Local and Remote Branches:  99% are local.

Start in a repositori, otherwise, create a new one: git init; git add .; git commit -m "commit1"

Add a commit:
$ git commit -m "commit2"

MASTER Branch -

Usually is the production version of your code

Master Branch

     |              |
  commit1        commit2

Create New Branch:

$ git branch feature1

Create and checkout branch with one command:

$ git checkout -b feature1

Show all branches:
$ git branch -a

* master

* means the checked out branch

Change (checkout) Branch

$ git checkout feature1

Add 2 commits to feature1:

$ git commit -m "commit1"

$ git commit -m "commit2"

$ git branch -a

Master Branch /--------------|------------|----
-----|---------------|----------/ commit1 commit2
  commit1        commit2

 Delete Branch

To delete  feature1

$ git branch -d feature1

$ git branch -a

   Master Branch                 
  commit1        commit2

Multiple Branches

You can have multiple branches, if for example, you have to developers working on two different features.

$ git checkout -b feature2

$ git commit -m "commit1"

$ git commit -m "commit2"

$ git branch -a

                                                   feature1 Branch
f1-commit1 f1-commit2
Master Branch /--------------|------------|----
  commit1        commit2 \---------------|------------|----
f2-commit1 f2-commit2
feature2 Branch

Merge Branch

To merge a branch into master:

$ git checkout master

$ git merge feature1

Merger Errors and Conflicts

For an example, checkout this video:
