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- Drawing Bold Letters In Html Tutorial
This Page Contains information about Drawing Bold Letters In Html Tutorial By Webune Tutorials in category CSS with 1 Replies. [3348], Last Updated: Mon Jun 24, 2024
Webune Tutorials
Tue Oct 06, 2009
581 Visits
hello, welcome to Webune. Webune has excellent services and products. one of our best services is our support. If you need web hosting for your website, you can find many affortable options here at Webune.
This tutorial will focus on how you can make bold letters or characters in web pages using html.
lets start by example, lets say i want to make the following text as with bold letters:
Webune Has Excellent Support!
[this is in bold]
Webune Has Excellent Support!all we have to know is which tags we are going to use to make the letters bold there are two tags we can use, and there are some css styles we can also use, we are going to use all
to start, we are going to need a text editor. if you are using windows XP or any other windows system, you will have access to notepad. so open a blank note pad and lets begin.
once you have opened a blank notepad, the first thing we are going to do is use the <b> tag, so on the first line of your notepad, add this html code:
<b>Webune Has Excellent Support!</b>
then save it as "
webune2480.html" [be sure to include the quotes when saving]
now open
webune2480.html with your internet explorer browser
you will see Webune Has Excellent Support! are now in bold letters
another way to make bold letters is to use the <strong> tag, so in your
webune2480.html on line 2, add this tag: <br> ,
this will add a blank line to the
webune2480.html document to make it easy to read our webpage.
on the 3rd line add this code:
<strong>Webune Has Excellent Support!</strong>
now save the changes, and you will see that we have made our example bold letters
the third way we can make our letters bold is buy using CSS styles.
on line 4 of
webune2480.html add another blank line:<br>
on line 5 add this code:
<span style="font-weight: bold;">Webune Has Excellent Support!</span>
save the changes and open
webune2480.html with your browser again, and you will see all line are now in bold.
if you want to know which of the three options is the best to use, you should get used to using the third method using CSS styles
this is how your
webune2480.html file should look like:
webune2480.html<b>Webune Has Excellent Support!</b>
<strong>Webune Has Excellent Support!</strong>
<span style="font-weight: bold;">Webune Has Excellent Support!</span>