To publish a React App to Cloudflare pages, simply use this command:

IMPORTANT: if using Vite, be sure that /dist is in the .gitignore file

[UPDATE] `wrangler pages publish` is deprecated and will be removed in the next major version.
Please use `wrangler pages deploy` instead, which accepts exactly the same arguments.

git add .
git commit -m "WORKS. Fixed undefined at the end"
npm run build
# Push for Vite Project
npx wrangler pages deploy [build] or [dist]
build= REACT / distfor Vite
npx wrangler pages deploy dist

NOTE: You might get a successful message response on the terminal that says something like this: https://123d4567.[YOUR-APP-NAME]

Change it to: https://[YOUR-APP-NAME]

No project selected. Would you like to create one or use an existing project?
> Create a new project
  Use an existing project
√ Enter the name of your new project: ... [YOUR-APP-NAME]
√ Enter the production branch name: >> [HEAD] master
✨ Successfully created the '[YOUR-APP-NAME]' project.
POST /pages/assets/upload
POST /pages/assets/upload
POST /pages/assets/upload
result: null
result: null
result: null
🌏  Uploading... (4/4)

✨ Success! Uploaded 4 files (4.16 sec)

✨ Deployment complete! Take a peek over at https://123d4567.[YOUR-APP-NAME]

List of available command:

I hope this works.

Recently I learned that you can publish page into Cloudflare pages for free, but its not free, there is actually a $5 minimun charge which is what I used and is afforaable. I used to use Heroku but they suck now because they were bought out by SalesFource which is a greedy company. needless to say, Heroku is not Heroku anymore.
