Ubuntu Initial Configurations for Virtual Box Machine:

These are my preferred applications and settings for running a linux ubuntu virtual machine in my virtualbox for my laravel/docker development environment. I am a full stack developer.

  1. Devices > Insert Guest Additions CD Image
  2. Devices > Shared Clipboard > Bidirectional
  3. Devices > Shared Folders > Share Folder Settings..>
    After rebooting, you will need to send this command to be able to access the shared files with the host machine:
    sudo adduser $USER vboxsf; reboot
  4. Right-click Desktop > Settings > Privacy > Screen Lock > Automatic Screen Lock > Disable
  5. Ubuntu Software > Search > Visual Studio Code
    • Install Extensions:
    • Docker
  6. Done


Install Gnome Tweaks to customize the task bar to look like windows

1. open Ubuntu Software and look for "Gnome Tweaks" and install it

2. go to https://extensions.gnome.org/ and install the following extensions in this order:

 1 - Arch Menu

 2 - Dash To Panel

Change the active window title bar color:

nano ~/.config/gtk-3.0/gtk.css

Change Window the Title Bar Color

This works for me (Ubuntu 18.04 + Gnome 3.28.1):

$ code ~/.config/gtk-3.0/gtk.css

To customize the active title bar background colors use .titlebar and .backdrop (for inactive windows).

.titlebar {
    background: #3089FF;

.titlebar:backdrop  {
    background: #777777;

After saving the file, remember refresh gnome using this command:

$ setsid gnome-shell --replace

Logout or restart and you will see the changes with a light blue window title color.


For more deatails, watch this video it shows you. Just beware that its an older video and the options and configurations may be different, but the features are still there.


 Hope that helps.