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- Add Simple React IONIC Context Provider Example Files In Application
Use this template to add simple way to your ionic react application by adding a context provider. [5200], Last Updated: Mon Jun 24, 2024
Fri Sep 08, 2023
289 Visits
To add context to your application you only need these three steps.
Source: /g/xampp8/htdocs/laravel/StudentTodo/ionic-rowley/ionic-rowleyV2
1. Command: ContextProvider.tsx - Create a file called ContextProvider.tsx Under src/components/context. Copy and paste the code below.
mkdir -p src/components/context
curl -s https://www.webune.com/forums/ContextProvider.tsx.html > src/components/context/ContextProvider.tsx
code src/components/context/ContextProvider.tsx
2. Wrap the provider in your application. See example App.tsx below.
3. Consume the new context in your component, for example Menu.tsx
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> code <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
1. Download and crecate src/components/context/ContextProvider.tsx
Typescript Source: https://www.webune.com/forums/ContextProvider.tsx.html
2. Add <ContextProvider> to src/App.tsx
import {ContextProvider} from './components/context/ContextProvider.jsx'
const App: React.FC = () => {
return (
<IonSplitPane contentId="main">
<Menu />
<IonRouterOutlet id="main">
<Route path="/" exact={true}>
<Redirect to="/math/Addition/1" />
<Route path="/math/:operatorParam/:botNumParam" exact={true}>
<Page />
export default App;
3. add useStateContext and use in src/components/Menu.tsx
import { useStateContext } from "./context/ContextProvider";
const Menu: React.FC = () => {
const { emojis } = useStateContext();
emojis && console.log(`LINE 33 emojis=`, emojis);
4. Shows the value from emojis will show in console.