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Today's question is regarding: how to find where php is installed?


the esiest way to find out is to run a phpinfo() file and look at the path settings, usually you will see something like this:

PHP Variables


as you can see, mine is installed in /usr/sbin

you can check by listing the files in /usr/sbin

you will see php in the list: like in my list here: (i used ssh)

gmake                                            perlcc                      whiptail
gneqn                                            perldoc                     who
gnome-doc-prepare                                perlivp                     whoami
gnome-eject                                      perror                      whois
gnome-help                                       pf2afm                      wmf2eps
gnome-keyring-daemon                             pfbtopfa                    wmf2fig
gnome-mount                                      pfbtops                     wmf2gd
gnome-open                                       pfdbg                       wmf2svg
gnome-umount                                     pfmon                       wmf2x
gnomevfs-cat                                     pfmon_gen                   word-list-compress
gnomevfs-copy                                    pftp                        write
gnomevfs-df                                      pgpewrap                    wrjpgcom
gnomevfs-info                                    pgpring                     wrudf
gnomevfs-ls                                      pgrep                       wtpt
gnomevfs-mkdir                                   php                         X
gnomevfs-monitor                                 php-cgi                     x86_64
gnomevfs-mv                                      php-config                  xargs
gnomevfs-rm                                      phpize                      xauth
gnroff                                           pic                         xcmsdb
gobject-query                                    pic2graph                   xdelta
gpasswd                                          piconv                      xdpyinfo
gpg                                              pinfo                       xdriinfo
gpg-error                                        pinky                       xev
gpg-error-config                                 pirut                       xfd
gpgsplit                                         pk11install                 xfontsel

if you look at the list above, you can see php in the list