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- Ports To Remember For Taking COMPTIA Exam
This Page Contains information about Ports To Remember For Taking COMPTIA Exam By Webune in category Networking with 0 Replies. [3446], Last Updated: Mon Jun 24, 2024
Sun Sep 14, 2008
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if you are getting ready to take a COMPTia test, its a good idea to memorize these ports, there are alot of questions regarding ports on the exam. so its a good idea to remember all these. i know it helped me when i was taking the Network Plus exam. now im getting ready to take the Security + exam and i need to memorize these port numbers. so i put all these ports together to help me put them in my memory so i wont forget.
let me give you a tip.. memorize these ports, when you go take the test, they will give you paper to write on. as soon as you start the test, the first thing you should do is to write these on the paper. because when you are taking the test, you wont have to use much brain power to recall them from memory, you can use the memory power for the test. this will help you focus because you wont have to worry about memorizing the ports in your head, that way you will have them written down on the paper.. believe me.. it works!!
so here are the port i recommend you memorize:
Protocol | Name | Port Number | Notes |
FTP | File Transfer Protocol | 20 | used for transfering files |
FTP | File Transfer Protocol | 21 | used for transfering files |
SSH | Secure Shell | 22 | Originally used for Unix |
TELNET | Telnet | 23 | Used For Remote Access |
SMTP | Simple Mail Transfer Protocol | 25 | Used for OUTBOUND Traffic |
TACACS | Terminal Access Controller Access Control System | 49 | Authentication Protocol developed by Cisco Systems |
DNS | Domain Name Service | 53 | Resolves Domain Names into Ip Addresses |
TFTP | Trivial File Transfer Protocol | 69 | Like FTP, but more secured |
HTTP | HyperText Transfer Protocol | 80 | Its what you are using to view this page. It used in WWW |
POP3 | Post Office Protocol Version 3 | 110 | used for INBOUND email traffic |
NNTP | Netwrok News Transport Protocol | 119 | Used by sharing of News |
NTP | Netwrok Time Protocol | 123 | Use for synchonizing your clock in your systems |
IMAP4 | Internet Message Access Protocol Version 4 | 143 | i dont know what this is used for |
SNMP | Simple Network Management Protocol | 161 | Is used in routers to manage the router |
HTTPS | HyperText Transfer Message Protocol Secure | 443 | uses SSL to make web pages secured |
IKE | Internet Key Exchange | 500 | Automated method for negotiating shared secret keys |
L2TP | Level 2 Tunneling Protocol | 1701 | an extension of PPP. used in VPNs Operate in Layer 2 |
PPP | Point-to-Point Protocol | 1723 | used in dialup connections, replaced SLIP |
ORACLE DB | | 1521 / 1522 | oracle databases |
AOL | America Oline IM | 5190 / 4443 | Instant Messenger Ports |
BACKORIFICE 2000 | Virus | 1056 | this is a virus |
PPTP | Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol | 2637 | TUNNELING |
DHCP | Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol | 67 | provides dynamic address assignment on a network |
DHCP | Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol | 68 | provides dynamic address assignment on a network |
file and printer shares | | tcp/udp 137.138.139 | block these ports to avoid file sharing with public |
NFS | Network File Share | 2049 | block these ports to avoid file sharing with public |
TOTAL PORTS | | 65,535 | There are a total of 65,535 Port. |