OSI Layer Three - Network

the network layer is responsible for establishing a unique network address and managing the transport of information packets between networks. the network layer addressing functions is similar to that of the area code within the telephone system. the area code differentiates two identical seven-digit telephone numbers by assigning a prefix unique to a specific geographical area. the network layer bundles small data frames together for transmission across the network. additionally, it will break larger data frames into smaller ones for transmission if the node is receiving. it is responsible for reassembling the data. just like an automobile highway, the network layer is equivalent to the highway exit numbering on the exit ramps.

the network layer helps to coordinate the intercommunications activites between differnt networks as the internet becomes a standear resource even stand alon pc user will need to understand and use the IP addressing rules

the network layer combined with the transport alyer defines the full functionallity of the nework operating system.

EXAMPLES of layer 3